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Suhashini L

Day 128 - Changing Gears: For A Change, Taking A 5-Hour Bus Trip to Miyazaki To Retrieve A Lost Item

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Day 128 (09 May 2023) - Fukuoka to Miyazaki, Japan


DAY 128 (09 MAY 2023) – So, yesterday I realized I had left my jacket at the hotel in Miyazaki, which is about 200 km from Fukuoka. While awaiting response from the ferry office and with nothing much to do, I decided to take a bus to Miyazaki and collect my jacket – all just for the experience of riding a bus in Japan! Also, my motorbike ‘Parameswara’ needed a rest!

Last night, the owners of the Indian restaurant where I had my dinner, helped me to gather the bus info from the internet and put it on paper for me to understand.

So today morning, I walked 3.4 km to the Tenjin bus station and hopped on a 7 am bus to Miyazaki. It was a 38 seater bus but there were only 10 passengers on board and it cost me 10,340 yen (RM 340) for a 2 way ticket.

The journey was 5 hours and I enjoyed the scenery. For once, I didn’t have to be on the wheel so I also got a good sleep on the bus!

Upon arrival, I sought the help of a young man at the bus terminal for directions to the hotel. He walked with me and guided me all the way to the hotel, which was 2 km away! I wanted to buy him lunch but he politely refused. I am very thankful for his kind help.

I spent 2 hours at Miyazaki exploring surrounding areas before boarding the bus at 3.30 pm back to Fukuoka. I arrived at 8.20 pm at Fukuoka and took a taxi to my hotel – it cost me 1890 yen (RM 62) for a 3.4 km trip! At least I got my jacket, so it was all worth it!



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